
JupiterRSS: A Mac App to view NASA’s Image of the Day RSS Feed.

printNii: A command line tool to view nifti file headers. Compatible with Intel Macs.

CloneScout: An iOS App that helps you identify duplicate contacts and photos.

Iconic Keyboard (Sunset): An Android keyboard giving you quick access to different fonts.


  1. Robb, W. H., Ahmed, H. A., Kim, D. S., Landman, B. A., Pechman, K. R., Gifford, K. A., Donahue, J. M., Hohman, T. J., and Jefferson, A. L. (2021, July). Lower Regional Cerebrovascular Reactivity Relates to Worse Episodic Memory Among Older Adults. In 2021 Alzheimer's Association International Conference. ALZ.
  2. Robb, W.H., Khan, O.A., Ahmed, H.A., Liu, D., Moore, E.E., Li, J., Cambronero, F.E., Pechman, K.R., Gifford, K.A., Landman, B.A., Hohman, T.J. and Jefferson, A.L. (2020), Lower cerebral oxygen utilization is associated with Alzheimer’s disease-related neurodegeneration on MRI and poorer cognitive performances among apolipoprotein E ε4 carriers. Alzheimer's Dement., 16: e046467.
  3. Cambronero, F.E., Liu, D., Pechman, K.R., Kresge, H.A., Bown, C.W., Moore, E.E., Shashikumar, N., Ahmed, H.A., Chenji, V.N., Osborn, K.E., Gifford, K.A., Schrag, M.S., Davis, L.T., Hohman, T.J. and Jefferson, A.L. (2019), P2-407: INTRACRANIAL LARGE ARTERY MORPHOLOGY RELATES TO CEREBRAL SMALL VESSEL DISEASE IN OLDER ADULTS. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 15: P763-P763.
  4. Bown, C.W., Khan, O.A., Liu, D., Pechman, K.R., Cambronero, F.E., Moore, E.E., Shashikumar, N., Ahmed, H.A., Terry, J.G., Nair, S., Davis, L.T., Gifford, K.A., Landman, B.A., Wang, T.J., Hohman, T.J., Carr, J.J. and Jefferson, A.L. (2019), P4-328: HIGHER BASELINE AORTIC PULSE WAVE VELOCITY RELATES TO LONGITUDINAL GREY AND WHITE MATTER CHANGES. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 15: P1421-P1421.
  5. Moore, E.E., Kresge, H.A., Khan, O.A., Bown, C.W., Liu, D., Pechman, K.R., Acosta, L.M.Y., Bell, S.P., Shashikumar, N., Ahmed, H.A., Turchan, M., Landman, B.A., Blennow, K., Zetterberg, H., Hohman, T.J., Jefferson, A.L. and Gifford, K.A. (2019), P1-008: SEX-SPECIFIC ASSOCIATIONS OF CEREBROSPINAL FLUID TAU AND NEUROGRANIN CONCENTRATIONS
  6. Moore, E.E., Liu, D., Pechman, K.R., Acosta, L.M.Y., Bell, S.P., Shashikumar, N., Ahmed, H.A., Blennow, K., Zetterberg, H., Landman, B.A., Gifford, K.A., Hohman, T.J. and Jefferson, A.L. (2019), P3-301: MILD COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT STAGING YIELDS BIOMARKER DIFFERENCES, LONGITUDINAL COGNITIVE DECLINE, AND GREY MATTER ATROPHY. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 15: P1052-P1052.
  7. Ahmed, H., Hise, F., Chikhliya, U., Quick, C., Stewart, R. (2014), Cardiovascular Mechanical Properties Affect Regression of the Ductus Arteriosus, Biomedical Engineering Society 2014 Annual Meeting, P155.


  1. Manipulating Data Structures in R Using Mapping Functions
  2. Communities of Practice in Research
  3. Quantitative Susceptibillity Mapping in Aging